To paint or not to paint before selling?

I don’t know anyone that enjoys painting. Personally, it drives me a little bit mad. I start with good intentions and then it takes a bit too long, and I end up rushing the all-important finish. But hiring a professional is quite the investment….

But is it worth it?

As with everything, it’s a case of weighing up the pros and cons. If the paintwork is more than 3 years old it’s likely going to be worn enough that a new coat will look very different. If it’s only 12 months old, it might just need a touch up. It’s easy to make reasons not to paint….

“What’s the point, any buyer is going to choose their own colours”

This is true, and buyers don’t see painting a room as a deal-breaking task, but subconsciously they will punish you on the price.

You can imagine the conversation… “it’s really nice but we are going to have to paint every room…”

Also, would-be buyers will naturally start looking for other problems and areas that aren’t quite right.

So 90% of the time it’s a case of getting the paint out if you have the energy and time or money to invest in a fresh coat.

If you’re going to go for it, here’s a great blog post on choosing colours. It’s a bit complicated and detail heavy, but is a good guide.

If in doubt, copy someone else who has great taste. Ask for help. Make quick decisions though as you can easily get stuck procrastinating.

Any questions please do ask. Happy selling… and painting.

This home we’re selling on Montague Road is an excellent example of very well-selected colours. See the full details here.